Two other unusual turtles also live in the river and springs.
Florida Chicken Turtle
Deirochelys reticularia
- long neck with many yellow stripes
wide mouth
- carapace length**: female 9.8" (249mm); male 6.2" (157mm)
Habitat: rare in river and springs
Diet: carnivore, specializing on crayfish and insects
Nesting Season: March - September
Florida Softshell Turtle
Apalone ferox
- long neck
- leathery carapace
- snorkel nose
- carapace length*: female 19.9" (505mm); male 11.9" (303mm)
Habitat: rare in river and springs
Diet: carnivore
Nesting Season: May - July
- diurnal
- basks rarely
- fastest swimming turtle in the Santa Fe River
- take from the wild prohibited May 1 to July 31 [Rule 68A-25.002(9)]